Mid-July in Phoenix, Arizona can be an amazing time of year! Family vacations, lounging by the pool, and BBQ's every weekend. That being said, Mid-July also means, MONSOON SEASON.
Often in the Phoenix valley, these sometimes spectacular storms can bring down tremendous amounts of rain and create dust storms that rival in size even some of the big Hollywood films call, haboobs. The last thing you need during this time is for your AC unit to be damaged or destroyed during one of these storms.
The Forrest Anderson team has a few tips for you on how to keep your AC unit prepared for these possibly damaging storms.
Monsoon Tips in Phoenix, Arizona
Typically Monsoon season can last until late September. Being prepared for high winds, dust, and rain downpours that can bring flash-floods, can save your home from severe damage.
A typical way to know if a Monsoon is coming to the Phoenix area is the dew point levels. Typically, Phoenix has a dew point level of about 40, when the humidity begins to rise, and the dew point rises to an abnormal level for consistent days, you know Monsoon season has arrived.
You still have time for your AC to be prepared for the storms before it is too late.
Change Filters
First, make sure you have replaced your air filter. If you use a disposable air filter, we recommend that you replace it monthly.
If you have a permanent air filter in your home, make sure that it is being cleaned often.
Why is having a clean air filter during a monsoon important?
A dirty filter can increase your bill 5-10%.
A dirty filter allows more contaminants inside your house.
With increased dust and debris particles in the air, those particles can be sucked into your system and reduce the lifespan of your filter or worse, create more damages to your AC unit.
Clean Your Coil
Before and after a monsoon storm make sure to clean your outdoor AC unit, as it can often times be covered in dirt. This can cause your AC unit to run much hotter and therefore increase your electricity bill.
We recommend signing up for our HVAC maintenance agreement to ensure to your coils are clean after a storm to keep your home cold and safe.
Use A Surge Protector
One of the best parts of Monsoon season is being able to watch the lightning strikes dancing in the night sky. These are often common occurrences during a Phoenix Monsoon. The electricity from one of these lightning storms can cause serious electrical surges and event outings.
These electrical spikes can affect your circuit breaker to your home, knocking out the power and your AC unit. A surge protector is placed at the unit to prevent it from taking out the AC unit. Usually it is located at the disconnect box. Another suggestion is to turn the unit off until the storm has passed, once the lightning storm has passed turn the unit back on.
Investing in a surge protector for your home's AC unit is a very wise investment to ensure your unit is protected, which will save you a service call if your power was to go out.
Check Your Roof, Ductwork, & Yard
If your AC unit is located on your rooftop, make sure it is properly secured and stable to withstand some of the harsh winds of an Arizona Monsoon. Installing a hail guards may be a wise investment.
Ensure that all ductwork is sealed tightly and properly to prevent any dust and debris from a fast moving haboob trying to enter into your home.
If your unit sits on the ground, make sure your lawn is clear of any debris or objects that can be thrown around in the high winds, that could damage the coil that surrounds your unit.
Forrest Anderson is Here to Help
For many homeowners these simple tips can be accomplished on your own, but if you are unsure if your Air Conditioning Unit is properly prepared for the coming months and storms our experienced team of AC technicians can provide the service and comfort you need to prepare for Monsoon Season.
We service all major cities in the Greater Phoenix Valley and would love to serve you.
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Contact the Forrest Anderson team today by visiting clicking here to visit our website or call us directly at (623) 780-4060.