Money, money, money. Everybody wants a piece of it, right! Forrest Anderson Plumbing and Air Conditioning wants to help you keep some of it in your pocket this spring and summer season. Phoenix, Arizona is a beautiful place, but oh boy, does it get hot here! Obviously, your usage of water will begin to climb as spring and summer gets closer. That means your water bill will continue to climb. Here are three ways to save a few dollars this year.
1. Switch to low flow showerheads and faucets
A typical shower uses 3.8 gallons of water per minute. So, a 5 to 10-minute shower can be anywhere from 19 to 40 gallons of water per shower! With a family that can really start to add up. The more water you use the higher that bill is going to be. By switching to low flow water heads for your shower and faucets, you will save thousands of gallons of water every year. Wouldn't that be nice on the wallet?
2. Time for A More Efficient Toilet
Your toilet is costing you money! Time to upgrade to a low-flow or low-flush toilet. Since 1992, U.S. law has mandated that new toilets sold in the United States be low-flow or low-flush, which means that they consume no more than 1.6 gallons (6 liters) per flush. Before that time, typical toilets sold in the United States used 3.5 to 7 gallons (13.24 to 26.5 liters) per flush.
Many people who live in older homes don't have low-flow toilets. But more and more government and nonprofit agencies are urging homeowners to replace those toilets with low-flow models. Many cities and municipal water organizations even offer rebates for purchasing a low-flow toilet.
There are various types of low-flow toilets available, but most use either a gravity or pressure-assisted technology to work. They have varying designs ranging from basic to luxurious
More efficient toilets or low flow toilets can save anywhere from 15% to 20% of water per flush. That means you will spend less on your water bill!
3. Check Your Exterior Hose
If you own a home, you probably have landscaping, plants, or a lawn. Your garden hose can be the biggest culprit when it comes to wasting money on water. Make sure you look for any signs of cracks or leaks, especially if you haven’t used it yet this season.